Showing posts with label Android Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android Games. Show all posts

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Short KungFu Dream

The game belongs to the 90s era of video games. This game is short and entertains for around 10-20 minutes. Its a beat'em up, brawler style game like spartanX, Kick Master, Kungfu themed etc games.


Monsters have attacked and the hero has no time to learn fighting skills and save the people. He asks his guru for help who gives a strange solution to drink something and enter dream world and learn skills!. The game is about this short dream of the hero. There are 6 stages and 4 bosses.

- If game feels hard slow motion can be used to make it easier.
- Using Power kicks makes game even more quicker complete.

Credits, Assets, Licenses:
The game uses CC0 licensed assets. More information can be found on my website. LMMS for music creation, GIMP for arts.

I am metroidvania fan and will work to make such games. I hope the game gives some fun to the gamers who love 90s gaming style of old console.


Links: (also has apk)

Developer profile:


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Privacy Policy



NONE of my app use any personal user data like contacts etc and none is ever uploaded online without notifying users. Firstly most of my apps are simple tools which require internet to show ads only. My apps ONLY use AdMob and Adsense which are Google's advertisement services. This means your consent only applies to Google AdMob, Adsense. My apps DO NOT HAVE other services which save your data outside device and that even without letting you know.

How to delete you collected data from Google Ads?
The user data can be deleted or prevented from targeted sharing from Android device system settings.

Got to system settings -> Google (Services & preferences) -> Ads -> Reset ad ID & opt out of Ads personalization.

At the end of this page i have link to my own written an article about privacy and why its kind of hoax in internet world.

Below are links which give details on privacy policies and other relevant laws. Please go through these links to know better about the laws if applicable (at present).

For developers, publishers and also helpful for end users.


My apps use NON personalised ads by default. This feature is provided by Google Admob & Adsense. Non personalised ads only applies to select regions where user consent laws are applied.

Official links:
List of Apps 

Strikeout apps are either temporarily disabled, unpublished. If you still use them after downloading from unofficial sources then i take no responsibility of its behavior. No law applies on them. Many websites simply collect APKs to build their catalog and provide download service. Many such sites may contain hacked APKs. They are out of publishers control.


Donate APK

It removes Ads and unlocks locked features from many of my Android apps. It will also support development of apps. Its few KBs only and doesn't do anything other than just remaining installed. Doesn't connects to internet for ads etc. Donate or buy here :



Image Custom Size Reducer and converter


Reduce your images to custom size. For example reduce 2MB selfie to 400KB without noticeable quality loss or 50KB with some quality loss. Its an image converter also. It support size reduction with almost NOT noticeable quality loss.

Requires Android's storage access to save images. Internet to show ads. Google Admob Ads policy applies.


Sacred Sound - Visualizer


This app generates cymatics, string art etc art from sounds. For example it can make rangoli arts, mandala like arts from simple human voices. Has internal generator for complex arts.
  • Requires Microphone access to capture audio from device to render graphics on screen. The audio data is NOT USED for ANY OTHER purpose. The audio data always used inside the app and is not sent or shared to other apps or devices.
  • Requires external storage write access to just save screenshots captured by app.
  • It uses Google Admob ads and therefore their privacy policy applies.


Random Graphics Generator


Generate complex tiles, patterns, colors, gradients in few milliseconds by one click.

It only requires access to storage to save images. When internet is active Google ads are shown and the privacy terms of Google applies.


FreeForm Optics (now ads free)


This is optics app to dynamically create complex lenses and test how refraction happens. Very useful tool to understand optics and how lenses actually refract rays.

It requires access to Android's storage to save screenshots.


Left-Right Ear and Speaker Test


I made this app when i was repairing my Piston earphones and it also helped me when i got infection in right ear and i wanted to check by what percentage my right is hearing lesser. This small tools helps when Left-Right is not mentioned in audio listening gadgets.

No Android permissions required. Internet to show ads. Google Admob Ads policy applies.


Screen Camera FPS tester


Test how fast is your camera and screen. More details on link.

It shows Google ads and terms of ads apply.   


SoundFont MIDI Player


Plays midi files with high quality instruments (SF2 files). Play old musics in high quality. Requires Android's storage access and internet to show ads. Google Ads policy applies.




Shows dominating frequency from MIC as text instead of graph. This was required when i wanted to just see most dominating frequency of sound instead dense graph. The audio is locally used for finding frequency and is NOT used for anything else. Audio is also not saved anywhere.




This tool check if device has mono, stereo mics. But proprietary mics technology like Nokia OZO cannot be tested. Audio is NOT SHARED outside app and not saved anywhere. Its just checks audio for MONO and STEREO and discards all audio data.
Internet to show ads. Google Admob Ads policy applies.

This game does not require any permission and doesn't collects any kind of information from users. This app uses ads and Google Admob ads policy applies. It just needs internet to show ads.

Common Terms, Privacy Policy

  • During software installation or usage an End User License Agreement has to be accepted. If not accepted the software must not be used.
  • If app is advertisement supported then ads are shown by respective AdNetworks and they maintain their own legal terms.
  • Some AdNetworks collect user data to deliver relevant ads. The advertisement related terms must also be agreed before using the software. The adnetwork related terms are mentioned later in this page.
  • In case some objectionable content is presented by AdNetworks please report it and i will remove those ad-networks upon verification.
  • If you download my software from sources or links not officially mentioned by me then i WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any kind of problem or damage from its usage. Sometimes a pirated or hacked version of software are distributed by pirates with malicious behavior inside.

Ad-network Policies ( Applicable if software or webpage is Ad supported )

Please refer to following software, adnetwork policies. Some of my software use software mentioned below and therefore their privacy policy is also applicable through my software.

AdMob, AdSense: Software, Ads

Various privacy policies by Google

Monday, February 6, 2017

SketchVania : Metroidvania/Castlevania style short sword action Android game

I am big fan of platformers and Castlevania type games. I started another game "SketchVania: Nightmare of Sketch World" which is complete and available on PlayStore. You play as a stick/sketch hero who has to protect his village from some strange creatures overpopulating very fast. This is a short game with 4 stages, 4 bosses and 3+ musics. The game may look too simple but don't take it lightly!. It has some entertainment value for platformer lovers.


Download link:
PlayStore link:

My page

I have stopped playing very long games. The long game i last played was Chrono Cross in December 2011. It took 3 months to reach final boss. Now i cannot invest much time playing games. So i look for short games to play and only focusing on making short games. Another Castlevania type game for Android i am planning is a parody Castlevania game called "CastLOLvania" with DrakLula to entertain .

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ballogic (AKA Desi Ball Game) (Android, PC)

A Puzzle-Action game which makes use of problem solving and standard platformer gaming skills. It will make you think hard and act fast with fun of side-scrolling 2D games. Game falls into puzzle category by theme and skill requirements but there is great fun of side-scroller 2d platformer in it.

Game-play info:
1. You control a Ball and have to move it to the destination object.
2. There are harmful objects to block you from reaching destination.
3. Timing of your moves is what makes you a winner!
4. The faster you clear a stage the higher your score will be.
5. Currently there are two packs in game: Simple & Advanced. After clearing 35 simple stages advanced pack is unlocked,
6. Most of simple stages are single screen, but later they become scroll-able.
7. Advanced pack are the one to utilize your skills learned in simple pack. These are the real fun.
8. This game may seem simple but has interesting things you may have not expected!!. Advanced pack with 5 stages in this version (version = date, 2013.09.14) may seem little but are challenging.

There are 2 packs :
Simple Pack: 50 stages
Advanced pack: 5 stages

Game is ad supported, showing ads from sponsors / advertisers.
Music is not added to keep game 1MB - 1.5MB size.

Future updates:
1. More stages will be added.
2. Music will be added upon popularity of this game and time i get from my other scheduled games like Bestial (side-scroller action fighting game like Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden).
3. Score system over server. i want to keep game's size small that's why trying to keep many things out. If required i will add score system on server using ScoreLoop etc APIs.

Platforms & Devices:
You can download PC version for windows and Linux (using WINE). Android version is also released.

Level 1 - PC version, ( June 2010 )
Android version

Android version

Android version

Android version

Game downloads:

Direct APK download:
Ballogic APK, 16-March-2015 (DropBox link of apk, old version)

Download via Google Play Store