Tuesday, December 23, 2014

NGGallery - an Android gallery application which can embed audio and other files in images

- Project is dead -

Available for Stock rom based phones as i suffered many issues with custom roms based phones like Xiaomi's Octa-Core phablet. Otherwise works good on most of devices.

I read on blogs Google has recently dropped Photo Gallery app. Android Lolipop based devices probably don't have gallery installed. Fortunately there are alternative gallery apps made by developers like me and some companies.

I finished my gallery app called NGGallery and have released it on stores. NGGallery offers some unique features which i found missing on others -

  • Embed audio into images to give them a meta category between static image and video. Audio from mic or music track can be added. Can be called audio tags.
  • Raw files can also be embedded and can be extracted with a click of button.
  • Sort images/videos based on their size, hours, week, month, year, day, night, AM, PM, orientation/Screen Mode, Mime Types etc.
  • Sorting / Filtering / Search creates virtual temporary folders which is a very handy feature!. Suppose you want to find images having word "facebook" in its filename or its folders. Search tool can do this easily and creates a virtual folder called "facebook" filling it with search results.

Here are some use cases:

  • Instead of making a video with single image and long audio, embed audio in an image. It saves huge amount of data.
  • Embedding voice of Animals in their respective image to teach about them to kids or other purposes. Same can be done for learning alphabets.
  • Hiding data in images. Its not good for saving your private data!. However creating a password protected 7z or other archive can then be used to insert into image
  • Storing audio based profile details in profile picture itself. Now your profile picture can speak your profile!
  • An image containing a text and audio of that text. There are many possible uses.

Why there are some features based on sharing are missing?
i.e. NFC, Goggle drive, Facebook or other photo services.

A: I added facebook etc support but they caused some dependency i decided to drop for these reasons -
  • Android already gives a universal sharing method using which we can share images via desired installed apps.
  • Facebook was removed because it creates dependency over Facebook SDK, Facebook APP and Facebook publisher account which was another burden on me and users too. Users are required to install Facebook app if they want most of FB uses. If user has FB installed then they can manage facebook albums via FB app itself! why depend on gallery then?
  • Google drive, similar is case with it too. Better install Google Drive app and enjoy the dedicated features!

More features will be added on next updates.

- One feature needed is while "Picking" an image its hard to see what the image contents are in thumbnail mode. For this reason we have to open gallery app from launcher to see that image again in full screen view and get back to select it. It will be great when we can see full screen version while picking. Its in TODO list.

I removed the project from PlayStore.

insert audio in images, insert files in images jpg, inset audio tags in images, android gallery application, No gallery app in Lolipop? install NGGallery

I have more projects to work but no funds to exist by keeping them active!. For this reason ads and offerwall is added into the app(s). Even if i generate the development cost i can keep my projects alive.